Wednesday, September 10, 2003


it has been out 4 quite some time oredi. but i think e concept is like animatrix, a collection of great artists from e east n west who drew e story 4 animatrix. the hire unites BMW cars 2 e whole short story production, n having clive owen as e main star in all of them. i personally enjoy them, e stories r short but bring strong impact even in dat limited time. same as animatrix but unlike it, u have directors instead like guy ritchie, ang lee, wong kar-wai n john woo as some who join in e project. u can download it 4 free from their site. or u can order e free dvd online, n it is onli 4 US$7.75 (shipping cost) n takes around a week 2 reach malaysia. 1 of my friends got it n he said it has more great clips dat r not available 4 download online. i just love e creativity on how they can produce stories on an object n still not b just another boring ad dat try 2 impress in dat short time given. here is e website link 4 Asia:

on e update of e sars thingy, it is confirmed dat e guy got sars. s'pore had a slight panic when it was announced but hopefully dat was it. there is still no idea on how he got e virus. it is considered as an isolated case n since he is doing research on viruses, he could have got it from e lab itself. here is a link 2 e straits times singapore:


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