Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Yeah, a standard pattern in all by-elections. In fact I have been waiting for this 'process' to come. If it does not come, it will be too weird. Money pouring into Chinese schools and everyone is happy as if they hit jackpot or lottery. The problem is there is no such thing as free lunch. Being happy for a sudden inflow of fortune is being too naive. Where does the money come from? Drop from the sky?

Sibu educationists elated over RM10m allocation
May 12, 2010

SIBU, May 12 — “Tonight, I might have to sleep in the police station. You never know, somebody might want to kidnap me.”

The chairman of the board of the United Association of Chinese Primary Aided Schools in the Sibu and Kapit divisions Tie Teck Hiong said this in jest to his friends after receiving a government contribution amounting to RM10 million for the 60 schools under the association’s jurisdiction here today.

Tie had represented the association to receive a RM10 million cheque from the government for the schools which was presented by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

“This is the first time in history that we received so high a contribution from the government in one go. I’m already 74 years old, never have we received such big amount of contribution,” he told Bernama.

Apart from the RM10 million contribution for the 60 Chinese primary aided schools, the government also gave a contribution of RM5 million to five Chinese independent schools here.

All the cheques were presented by Najib to the respective schools’ representatives in a ceremony at a hotel here.

Not only that, Najib also made good of an earlier promise when he handed a RM1 million cheque to a representative of Sibu’s St Mary primary school for the building a new block at the school.

However, the most touching moment was when teachers of the Sacred Heart secondary school all stood up and cheered loudly after the prime minister announced a government contribution amounting to RM2 million for the school rebuilding project.

Najib later presented a cheque for the amount to the representative of the school.

Both the late member of parliament for Sibu Datuk Robert Lau and the BN candidate for Sibu by-election Robert Lau Hui Yew studied in this mission school, which is considered one of the best in town. — Bernama



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