Sunday, May 01, 2005


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Well, there are three players who scored two goals early this morning. Lampard, Shevchenko and Ronaldo. One is a midfielder and the other two are forwards. All scored critical goals to help their clubs to fight for the league titles but only Lampard's goals are truly a confirmation of Chelsea winning the league title already with just 3 more matches to go. Now, Chelsea can rest all their important players for the Champions League 2nd leg with Liverpool. In Germany, Bayern Munich take the 19th Bundesliga title with a Roy Makaay hattrick with a 4-0 win over Kaiserslautern.

Congratulations to Chelsea for ending their 50 years of waiting. Their 100th anniversary will be a sweet one! Move over Arsenal, Liverpool and Manchester United because this is the mark of the beginning of total domination of Chelsea in years to come. I don't see why it is not possible with the financial strength that they have. I will predict that in the next few years, the fans of Chelsea will outgrow any EPL clubs. It is only natural that people don't want to support losers. Loyalty is no more very present in this new world.

Heck, if I think that Chelsea use money to buy the titles, they also use the money to buy loyalty.


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