I tried to cook my very first steak today. Ingredients? Salt, onion, soya sauce, butter, red wine, BBQ sauce, carrot, lemon, flour and pepper. Haha! I just give it what I have in my fridge.

This is what you get after 15 mins from the microwave.

This is when it is finally done in 30 minutes.

It is abit overcooked for me. I like my steak half-cooked. I will give it 70% out of 100%. Haha! Giving myself some encouragement for future tries.
I also cooked a sea cucumber soup with mushrooms, lean meat (pork), egg, onion and garlic. This is not my first time so I am quite used to prepare it well.

I am falling in love with cooking. It is quite an interesting process from the preparation process right up to cooking. The only headache is the washing afterwards.
What I really want to try? Baked rice with tonnes of cheese. I love cheese. I also am a lamb/mutton lover, I wish to prepare my own here though I prepared tonnes of them back at home. Yes, lamb/mutton is my favourite meat! It is probably the last domestic meat on earth that is not contaminated with diseases that can spread to human.
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