The Great Singapore Sales 2006 is here again from 26 May to 23 July 2006. I bought a pair of shoes on the first day of the sale! Kiasu indeed! This pair of shoes will be replacing my 10 years old Airwalk! Yes, it is about time my Airwalk retires!

Timberland has this reputation for making really good shoes for extreme sports, hiking and trekking. They are the best for those tough and rough kind of conditions. However, I am buying a pair of walking shoes that will be multipurpose. I am looking into a pair of shoes that can be used for formal functions as well as casual wear. It will be good also for bad weather like heavy rain.

It comes with a detachable set of shoe pads so you can actually hand wash it yourself.

You have a choice between an active chassis or a comfort chassis. Active is for people who walks alot and really stand alot. That is why I chose it.

I thought the stitching is very well done to give you the assurance of its toughness. I also love how the stitching design and pattern goes around the shoes. I just love it!

One of the best reasons I bought this shoes is because of the sexy Achilles Tendon part curving inwards. I find this design giving the shoes that extra feeling of speed! Haha!

Without the paddings, you can see the rubber soles.

This extremely bendable soles are giving me the worries the most and were the reasons I was spending so much time deciding whether to buy it. It is so bendable I was worried it will tear off easily if some sharp metal objects cut through it.

Well, I guess I just have to be careful when I walk.

The pad design itself is kinda cool. It stands out on its own.

You just need to put it in and you are ready to go!

TravelGear, it is meant for travelling! I hope this baby can last me at least 1/2 of what Airwalk can! 5 years will make me really proud. I give it at least 3 years to die on me. Anything more is a bonus! Haha!

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