I was having a friend dropping by for visit during the weekend for the Department of Architecture exhibition and there is only McDonald's available for some food and drinks. Mind you I never been there for any desserts and stuff. We were there just after lunch so would like something light. Man, as I gone through the menu, they have not much of dessert choices but this Berrynice Yoghurt. I have never try this Yoghurt my life so might as well give it a shot.
For someone who tasted Yoplait, Meiji, Marigold, Nestle and own homemade yoghurts, I thought this one is worth the money based on the ingredients it is offering. Very solid cup indeed! The oats are abit too much though. Overpowering.
It is as always advertised as low-fat yoghurt with strawberries, blueberries and crunchy honey oats. The strawberries are at the bottom of the cup with the blueberries on top. The oats are just the finishing topping on top of the blueberries.
Yoghurts are always recommended for all the nutrients and the good bacterias they have inside there. Something like those cultured milk drinks like Vitagen and Yakult. Though nowadays there are also yoghurt drinks too which I still find very weird. Many people love them though.
This post just reminds me that I have not post anything about food for a very long time. :)
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