The Closest Food to Mother's Milk

Lamb / mutton is my favourite meat and is probably among the most easiest to cook meat in the world regardless of the way you want to prepare it. It is probably the last farm animal which has no international contamination problems which includes mad cow disease for beef, bird flu for chicken and duck as well as JE (Japanese Encephalitis) for pork. However, not many people like this meat because of the 'goaty' odour that most people are turned off to. The toughest part is probably to cover the odour when you prepare mutton soup Chinese style. Therefore, a lot of white pepper is used. The Indian mutton soup is much different and I love anything mutton/lamb.

What about goat's milk? Well, I know the Indians sell this milk the most around here. I don't really see the Chinese or Malay preparing it. I have never dared to try it as I heard scary stories of how bad the milk will smell. Yew! Well, commercially I have seen goat's milk in tablet forms as well as in the Tetra Pak form (S$11!!! in Singapore against normal cow's milk averaging between S$2-S$4 with the same amount of litres). Finally, I see one selling fresh goat milk commercially in Johor Bahru.

They claim that they have a 83-acre farm situated at the fringe of Panti Forest Reserve, 65 feet above sea level in Kota Tinggi (High City translated directly but yet always flooded, don't ask me why!), Johor. Their close to 1,000 imported Swiss Dairy Goats are given quality feeds to produce quality milk. The farm management is based on Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) as advocated by Department of Veterinary Services (DVS).

Why drink goat's milk?
Easy Digestion
Goat's milk does not contain agglutinin, and thus fat globules do not cluster together, making them easier to digest.
Easy Absorption
Higher proportion of short and medium-chain fatty acids that is smaller in size is rapidly digested and absorbed.
Less Allergenic
Goat's milk does not contain the complex of proteins that are key stimulants of allergic reactions.
Less Lactose
The lower level of lactose in goat's milk is advantageous to lactose-intolerant persons.
Higher Nutrients
It is higher in calcium, significantly more potassium and niacin. It has more vitamin A, vitamin B-6, copper and antioxidant selenium than cow's milk.
Therapeutic Values
Goat's milk is known to be beneficial to various ailments such as allergies, jaundice, artritis, ulcers and skin problems while enhancing immune functions.
Nutritious yet Delicious
Nubian Goat's Milk tastes great without the strong 'goaty' odour of goat's milk.

The staffs told me that if I can return 20 empty bottles after consuming the milk, I will receive 1 free loaded bottle.
1 bottle (200ml) = RM4.50, 20 bottles = RM90. I think I will be very poor.

I tried it and I have to say I am impress by the fresh taste of the milk. It is true that there is no 'goaty' odour to the milk. I guess the legend of the 'goaty' odour of the goat milk is not true after all, at least for the one I tried.

Nubian Goat's Milk

I have to say I am extremely impressed with the design of the brochure. It does not look like a typical local brochure. The colours and the drawings make it very attractive. I am sure it is enough to tempt the kids to try it out!
Nice taste. Yummy! Too expensive for me to consume this on a regular basis. I will go broke because of goat's milk.
Enjoy Nubian Goat's Milk at a cheaper price. Login
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