Friday, January 02, 2009


I read on the new rear seat belt buckling up rule in Malaysia with great confusion. It seems like the rule's objective is not really to protect the passengers but to create another avenue for more road blocks and fining opportunities. The many exceptions listed below from this rule shows that there is no real serious intention to implement the rule. If you are really serious in protecting passengers sitting at the rear of the vehicle, implement it at all cost for all types of vehicles. There is no logic not implementing it for specific types of vehicles. Are you trying to say that you will never be involved in an accident because of your vehicle type? Why the half-hearted effort? There is no fairness at all.

The above and below the 17 years old rule is also weird because if you are 17 years old, you are not under any category. Therefore, I guess those who are 17 years old in 2009 will be luckiest and all those turning 17 years old soon! They will also need to check you birth date too before deciding to fine the driver or the person himself/herself which I forsee more long and tiring roadblocks to come. I don't see any benefits from this rule to the passengers since it is not implemented well. Finally, the maximum RM2000 fine or one year's jail is the most craziest punishment on earth for not fasting your seat belts!

Malaysia Boleh!

Crackdown on rear seat belt offenders

Arman Ahmad

KUALA LUMPUR: Back-seat passengers must from now buckle up or will be issued with a compound fine of RM300.

A spokesman of the Road Transport Department said enforcement officers would start a nationwide crackdown on those who violated the rear seat belt ruling, which took effect from 12.01am today.

Under the latest ruling, offenders above the age of 17 will be individually fined.

On the other hand, if rear-seat passengers under the age of 17 are not buckled up, the car driver will be fined for the offence.

Rear-seat passengers who do not wear seat belts will be fined except for:
- vehicles registered before Jan 1, 1995;

- vehicles registered after Jan 1, 1995 but without anchorage points;

- commercial vehicles, including taxis and rental cars;

- vehicles with more than eight passengers (not including the driver);

- goods vehicles with a maximum load limit of 3.5 tonnes; and,

- the fourth rear-seat passenger in a car with three seat belts at the rear.

From July, the RM300 compound fine will be increased to a maximum fine of RM2,000, or up to a year's jail.

The new rules are contained in the amendments to the Motor Vehicles (Safety Seat Belt) Rules 1977, under the Road Transport Act 1987.


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